ppc optimization

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While reading from this article it really hit home some of the most important things about writing Ad Copy. Here are some of my biggest insights.

  • You need to be specific with your ad. You cannot adopt the mentality that a single ad will work for a group of different products. Even different variations of the same product deserve a unique ad group so  that you can really target a consumer searching for the product that you offer and matches exactly what they want.
  • Explain in your ad what makes you a better choice than the other ads on the screen. Describe what value you are offering.
  • Actually use the key word. This is another reason why it is important to use specificity. Include in your ad the keywords that they searched for so that you will look relevant to what they are searching for. The keywords that you use in the ad will also bold if it is in the search performed by the user. This is very helpful.
  • Don’t overlook a call to action. Tell them what to expect, and what they will get from you.
  • Be different enough to stand out, but not so much so that you detract from yourself. If everyone says the same thing, add to it, or take away (use sparingly)
  • Creativity is good, but you need to also be clear enough to really say what it is that you are offering.
  • You have less than 100 characters to convince someone to click on your ad. BE SUCCINCT and as effective as you can be. (consider putting the price on your ad. If they cannot afford your price you will not have paid to have them click on your ad just to bounce back to the search.)
  • Spell check and look for proper formatting.
  • Make your ad URL look relevant as well as the description of the ad.
  • Change only a few things between the different ads that you run. This will let you know why one ad does better than the others. If your ads are drastically different you will have a hard time knowing exactly what made your ad effective and the other ad less effective.
  • Test your ads and then test them some more. (This includes testing after changing your headline, your description, your offer, your URL, your terminology, your keywords associated with the ad, etc.)
  • Make a new ad rather than editing the ad. You cannot compare side by side if you delete one uneffective ad. That and you will have to wait to get the edited ad approved anyway. Might as well keep the old ad running while you can.
  • Remember on PPC you will not pay if your ad does not get clicked on. So your ad might get lower on the list, but at least it is still running. A high bounce rate is an important factor for ad copy because maybe your ad is not conveying what the landing page is conveying.

Most of my insights were as a result of reading an article at: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/9-tips-to-write-effective-google-adwords-copy/8279/

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